pISSN: 1738-5377 / eISSN: 2713-6027

교회사학, Vol.10 (2013)

최창현의 삶과 신앙


(한국교회사연구소 연구실장)

이 글은 초기 한국교회의 지도자인 최창현의 삶과 신앙에 대해 살펴본 것이다. 최창현은 중인 신분으로 천주교회가 설립된 1784년부터 신유박해가 일어난 1801년 이전까지 조선 교회를 이끈 인물이다. 그는 평신도 신부, 총회장, 《성경직해》 번역, 성직자 영입 등의 활동으로 18세기 말 한국천주교회의 발전을 위해 지대한 공헌을 했고, 마지막에는 순교로써 신앙을 증거하였다. 따라서 최창현의 활동사는 한 개인의 역사이자, 18세기 말 한국천주교회의 역사라고 해도 과언이 아니며, 그러한 점에서 최창현에 대한 연구의 교회사적 의미를 찾을 수 있겠다. 아울러 이 글은 최창현의 활동을 탐구하는 가운데 가성직제도를 평신도 성직제도로 칭하는 문제, 이승훈이 임명한 신부 10명이 누구인지, 그리고 당시 평신도 신부들의 모임 장소가 난동과 반촌이었다는 것, 1787년 정미반회사건과 평신도 신부와의 관련성 등 초기 교회사와 관련된 내용들도 밝혔다는 점에서 또 다른 의미를 찾을 수 있다.

Choi Chang-hyeon’s Life and Religion

Bang, Sang-keun

Choi Chang-hyeon was a leader of Roman Catholicism from the foundation of Roman Catholic Church in 1784 to the Shinyu Persecution of 1801. He made a big contribution to the development of Korean Roman Catholic Church in the late 18th century. He was the priest of the laity and general catechist. He translated Sung- Gyeong-Jik-Hae and led Fr Zhou Wen-mo to Joseon. At the end, he died as a martyr. Therefore, a story of his life is a personal history and history of Korean Roman Catholic Church in the late 18th century. He was born in yeokgwan (an official interpreter) family in 1759. He worked at a drugstore to help his father. In 1784, he entered the church because of recommendation by Lee Byeok. At that time, he studied with silhak (practical learning) scholars of the Namin faction including Lee Byeok and, as a result, became a Roman Catholic. As a member of the middle-class family, in addition, he was open- minded about new culture. In addition, he was aware of the limitations of Joseon’s rigid caste system, and there was a sinner in his family. Therefore, he decided to become a Roman Catholic. In 1786, he was appointed as the priest of the laity and administered the sacrament as a father. He devoted all his energy day and night for other fathers and associates. Since the Shinhae Persecution, he led the church and invited Father Zhou Wen-mo into Joseon. As the general catechist, he took care of all church affairs, copied books for believers’ religious life and translated Sung-Gyeong-Jik- Hae into Korean. He formed a human network with believers in various fields including his relatives Choi In-gil and Choi Phil-je and developed Roman Catholic Church in cooperation with these people. With humble and moderate personality, he was the most respected person in the church. He was arrested in January 1801 and became an apostate. However, he kept silent about the hideout of Korean Roman Catholic Church and his followers. Later, he regained his faith and was decapitated at Seosomun on February 26, 1801. In the middle of studying his activities, this study has been able to find out the followings; renaming laity hierarchy to pseudo-hierarchy, ten fathers nominated by Lee Seung-hoon, the gathering place of the priests of the laity at that time and relevance between the Jeongmibanhoe Incident of 1787 and the priest of the laity.

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